Mud Witch Musings
Mud Witch Musings
When Women are Cool: Coffee: Rescue Mission
Years ago, a childhood friend of mine was going through a divorce. I had no idea. We regularly spoke on the phone and were always connected through space and time. She lives a few states to the left of me and it had been some time since we had seen each other face to face. I had a sense that things were not good. She seemed stressed, or flat, or...
When Women Are Cool: Coffee Shop
Two days ago I was visiting a museum. It backs up against a giant and gorgeous public park. I was on the second floor and the entire wall that faces the park is made of glass. It had a beautiful atrium vibe.
From my vantage point I could see 3 little kids in the park, probably aged 2-4ish and they were dancing around...
Watching Atoms in the Park
Two days ago I was visiting a museum. It backs up against a giant and gorgeous public park. I was on the second floor and the entire wall that faces the park is made of glass. It had a beautiful atrium vibe.
From my vantage point I could see 3 little kids in the park, probably aged 2-4ish and they were dancing around...
But Why Are You REALLY Here?
Why are you here?
No, why are you really here?
In my work we ask the big questions. There is a lot of talk about Purpose.
And although I ask people to consider…
What is your purpose?
I hate that question.
Evolution VS. Comfort
“I love us, I have to want us to evolve more than I want us to stay comfortable”
- (Chani Nicholas, astrologer)
I read this affirmation this morning and it got me thinking about our personal and collective evolution (or sometimes I think of it as revolution) and the need, desire, mandate to evolve, outgrow and create new ways of being.
Creativity: Do It Your Way
We are meant to create.
As humans, we possess an innate desire to create and express ourselves. It is a beautiful and normal aspect of our humanity. Whether it is through creating art, or the ways you adorn yourself, or decorating the spaces you occupy, or the ways you “think outside the box”: Creative expression shows your point of view. It can be used to challenge norms, and bring beauty into...
What if You Had All the Time You Need?
“I don’t have time”.
I hear this a lot. From my coaching clients, from prospective clients, and even from the saboteurs in my own mind… It is one of the most popular roadblocks that pops up when we are in the pursuit of balance, ease, personal growth, and transformation.